
Fields let you define your object’s properties and transform the values retrieved from the database, we support the following:

  • fields.Text A simple text field
  • fields.Hash A hashed text using bcrypt
  • fields.Bool A true/false value
  • fields.Integer An integer
  • fields.Float A floating point value
  • fields.Datetime A date and time
  • fields.Location A pair of latitude/longitude

Relation fields

We also provide fields for defining relationships with other models in a ORM-fashion

  • fields.SetRelation Stored as a set of the related ids
  • fields.SortedSetRelation Stored as a sorteed set of the related ids, using a sotring key
  • fields.ForeignIdRelation simply stores the string id of the related object


Only Text fields are ready to be indexes

Creating your own fields

Simply subclass Field or Relation.

NORM fields follow an specific workflow to read/write from/to the redis database. Such workflow needs the following methods to be implemented (or inherited) for each field:

  • __init__ for field initialization, don’t forget to call the parent’s constructor
  • init is called to parse a value given in the model’s constructor
  • recover is called to parse a value retrieved from database
  • prepare is called to transform values or prepare them to be sent to database
  • to_json should return the json-friendly version of the value
  • validate is called when doing Model.validate(data) or obj.update(data)

Additionally, the following methods are needed for Relation subclasses:

save(value, pipeline[, commit=True])

persists this relationship to the database

relate(obj, pipeline)

sets the given object as related to the one that owns this field


tells what to do when a model with relationships is deleted


returns a fully qualified redis key to this relationship

for subclasses of SetRelation, returns the list of related ids


is called when you need to know the relationships for a model. Usually via the proxy object.


is for subclasses of SetRelation and should tell wether or not the given object is in this relation. Usually called via the proxy object.